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For confidence online with SIDN

Core business

Every day we are committed to a carefree and promising digital existence. We do this by developing and delivering our services and products in the field of domain names and cybersecurity. Check the video about the role of SIDN.

Screenshot from corporate video SIDN

  • More than 6,200,000

    .nl domain names are managed by us.

  • More than 4.5 billion

    searches are processed on the internet for .nl on a daily bases.

  • .politie, .aw, .amsterdam

    we provide technical and legal support in their top-level domain.

  • More than 400

    internet projects were supported via SIDN Fund.

  • Over 8,000

    'abused' domain names are taken down every year. Thanks to good monitoring, we 'catch' more and more of them.

  • An 8

    is the appreciation of our customers.