If your contact details change, you need to update them through your registrar (hosting service provider).
Updating contact details

If your contact details change, you need to update them through your registrar (hosting service provider).
What can you change?
You can change the administrative contact's:
Phone number
E-mail address
You can change a domain name's registrant as well. See Changing your domain name's registrant.
Frequently asked questions
What does SIDN use my contact details for?
When a .nl domain name is updated, confirmation of the change is automatically e-mailed to the administrative contact’s address. That happens if the registrant changes or if the domain name’s registration is cancelled, for example.Also, SIDN sometimes has to close a registrar’s account. That might happen if, for example, the firm in question is declared insolvent. Under such circumstances, SIDN needs to e-mail the registrants whose domain names are registered through that registrar to tell them about the situation. If the information we send out doesn’t reach you, there is a danger that your domain name will end up being cancelled.
How do I change the person or organisation recorded as a domain name’s registrant?
Please contact your registrar, who will be able to update the domain name’s registration. The name of the person or organisation recorded as a domain name’s registrant can be changed only on the instructions of someone authorised to act on behalf of the existing registrant.
I have taken over a .nl domain name from someone else. The person or organisation recorded as the domain name’s registrant needs to be changed, and I’d like to move the domain name to another registrar as well. How do I do all that?
The order that you do things depends on how the current registrar and the registrar that you want to switch to operate. We advise you to contact both registrars to ask them which way to proceed:
Change the registrant first. Once you’ve done that, you (the new registrant) can ask the current registrar for the transfer token. You give the token to the new registrar, who can then transfer the domain name.
Transfer the domain name first. The existing registrant will need to ask the current registrar for the transfer token. The token is given to the new registrar, who can then transfer the domain name. After that, the change of registrant can be arranged through the new registrar.